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<About PC,RIG,Interfaces>

・IC-756 has only 1 ACC so I use deviding equipment(home brew)

 Hamlog:Ph to repeat CQ
 Zlog:CW,Ph to repeat CQ


<Link to webpage about applications>

Hamlog」 Popular logging soft in JA
Zlog」 FB tool for contest
Logger32」 Loggin soft for DXer
「dbRadioLog」 Original loggig soft by JA3APU

Ztohconv」 Convert Zlog data to Hamlog
Z2Cabril」 Convert Zlog data Cabrillo format
supercheck_prg2」 Convert Hamlog sata to zlog spc
HLMente」 Edit hamlog data
MMTTY」 RTTY&Convert Hamlog data to Logger(ADIF
TQSL」 ADIF to Lotw
h2eQSL」 To use Hamlog data as eQSL
get_eQSL」 To reciebe eQSL
eQSL」 Hamlog data to eQSL
QSOnbank」 Hamlog data to QSObank(for JA)
HamSerch」 To get many informations(for JA)
※If you know each soft please visit Website.
<How to use - my own example>
@Main log is Hamlog
AZlog for Contest.
BContests data to Hamlog afrer the contest.
C「Zlog data to Hamlog & Cabril.
DBefore the contest ,change data to Zlog by supercheck_prg2
EQSOdata to「QSObank(JA)」&「eQSL(DX)」「Lotw:DXCC」 sometimes up data to the website.

 My opnion,if you interests in JA ,You'd better use Hamlog ,but if you intesrests in DX,to use Logger and other application.


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