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160m sloper antenna

@2007 autumn I make 24/18/3.8/1.8MHzI.V. with trap.
→not so good.
※refer to Webpage and consider 「shant feed」「sloper」some kinds of antennas.

AAt last I decide to bild [half sloper antenna]
 It is just 2008 January.
・I use wire about「38m」
・Down to straight and 2m side(3.3mH) and turn the other side.
・full length is about 38m

White line is trace my antenna

・SWR is under 2
・It's better than@ for DX.
・It's worth than@ for BY,HL ?
・Still difficult to QSO wiht W/EU/AF
・Shouold I try roop antenna ?

「Full length IV 20mH is so bad
・I can some QSO with Eu usingA
→I tyr to spread many ground wires
→20m×3 ground wire finished.


・Try to shant feed.

Refer webpage
 JA6BJV TopBand

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