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160m 3/4 sloper antenna

@I build another 160m antenna on Dec.2008-Jan.2009.

ƒoriginal sloper„

form pattern


form pattern

EI analize this antenna and I feel it is so good.
EWhen I buil 1/2sloper ,SWR analysis is bad,but using it,it work well.
So also this time I don't worry about bad SWR analysis.

ƒAfter build„
EI use 80m wire and check the antenna . It dip on about 1.6MHz
¨Cut -9m, then it dip on about 1.8MHz
¨Hight the end of antenna does't change dip point.

ƒusing this antennna„
EI feel noise is higher than before.
EBut try to check with my local station ,it's not so good.B
EExactry I can't hear well from W stations in the evening ,because noize level is too high
EIn the next morning I try to hear Eu stations,it's not good, either.
¨I broke this antenna and try Long wire.


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